Ahad, April 20, 2008

Business is Made With People

When I'm talking to my friends about multi level marketing businesses, they usually have this kind of narrow minded thinking - multi level marketing is the way of manipulating other people for self interest and self benefit. Multi level marketing, as far as I concern is about getting people to join the particular business network and you will get commission from your job.

So, some people think getting people to join the network and getting commission when they pay to join the network is the way of manipulating people. That how the business is made, business is about dealing with people. Even you are opening a conventional business like selling products, you are still dealing with people. For example, if you are selling the cat's food, you do not sell the cat's food to cat, you sell the cat's food to the cat's owner which is a people. In addition, multi level marketing is not only about getting people to join the network because multi level marketing's companies also have their own products to be sold.

If you are getting to change you narrow minded now to the better one, I recommend you to visit this company's website and made some research about it. If you are interested to join, please email me at kerd_019@yahoo.com.


1 ulasan:

Unikversiti berkata...

Salaamun alaikum. How are u bro? Mmmm actually i have'nt so active in business anymore, for now i just be a stiff blogger hehe

Saya pernah join MLM-MLM sebelum ni, dan my favourite is Sureco la pasal produk org2 Islam. Cuma skrg dah x aktif sangat dah pasal pengurusan mereka pun dah bercelaru.

Cuma nak join MLM ni yg penting kena jadi yang terawal, kerana itu lah peluang utk menjadi PEKEDAI, kerana yang last2 tu kira dah hanya jadi END USER. Dan bukan semua orang boleh berjaya, hanya yang terawal, yang mempunyai ketekunan dan skill yang jitu sahaja yang boleh berjaya. modal pun penting, tanpa modal x akan ke mana kita, percayalah :)

So for those who want to start their career in MLM, good luck and all the best. Only one thing to remember, not all will succeed, jus be sincere in what ever u do insyaALLAH, kalau x berjaya pun ada lah keberkatannya :)